Bird Migration, from The National Bird series.

Coyote mask, sculpture, 2019. The Coyote, is a smuggler who travels with national birds coming from Central America by foot en route to the United States. He is a trickster representing the good and the bad. As the guide, he pleases the birds with promises and advertisements throughout the journey. He instructs them to wear their fancy attire only when they are about to cross. The Coyote enables many of their dreams,while continually changing his mind; he tells them he is for them one day, and the next, he despises them. He wants them to think what he wants them to think: the future. He tells them about life on the other side and about the helicopter ride;  he depicts the border through their consciousness.

El Mesero W(waiter)

Performance art, sample. 2022. Artists in residence, JupiterFab, Guadalajara, México. Project funded by The Canada Council for the Arts.